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這些跨性別團體已經魔化到不但在學校裡推廣變性,而且還要求青少年要對他們的父母親隱藏變性這回事...... 任何推廣青少年變性的人,都應該被判無期徒刑,永無保釋的機會。
My PC: AMD Athlon64 3500+ S939 2200mhz Corsair DDR500 512MB*2 Abit AV8 K8T800 Pro Hitachi HDS72251 6VLAT80 SCSI Disk Device 160GB/8MB Buffer Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-110D LITE-ON LTR-52327S USB2.0 CD-RW PNY Verto GeForce 6800 GT 256MB Linksys Wireless-G PCI Adapter Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS ViewSonic A71f+ ViewSonic VX2025WM Creative Inspire P5800 ASUS A2428PDV Microsoft XBOX 360 此文章於 2023-06-03 12:37 PM 被 pc 編輯. |
2023-06-03, 12:09 PM
Golden Member
加入日期: Oct 2017 您的住址: 淡水跟北投之間
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這真的是很詭異的思維... 不過變性手術或藥物治療難道也不需要經過父母同意嗎?
我的封鎖名單: ankk chumowu cp03 jeffk LDSKING LDSKING II leeking leeko MyChris River Spinach smoguli Whole Truth wpc0406 YorkHapy 冬之炎陽 冰的啦魔王大人 沒問題 爆走企鵝 tvt hill45678 rcack 卜派 polor 感謝網友提供的篡改猴script, 可惜失效了 此文章於 2023-06-03 12:13 PM 被 Hermit Crab 編輯. |
2023-06-03, 12:12 PM
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並非每個父母都能接受孩子是跨性別者。 在洛杉磯有很多無家跨性別未成年人就是因為父母得知他們的性別取向後將他們趕了出去。 |
2023-06-03, 12:18 PM
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他們很清楚,一般腦袋正常的父母親絕對會反對到底,所以他們才會這麼要求絕對要向父母親隱瞞,生米先煮成熟飯再說。 然後他們也似乎在各地推動這樣的立法,允許未成年人在不需要父母親同意,也甚至在不經過相關專業審慎評估之下,就直接進行變性手術。 他們現在宣稱your children are not your children,行,只要孩子有辦法自己謀生不靠父母親即可。
My PC: AMD Athlon64 3500+ S939 2200mhz Corsair DDR500 512MB*2 Abit AV8 K8T800 Pro Hitachi HDS72251 6VLAT80 SCSI Disk Device 160GB/8MB Buffer Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-110D LITE-ON LTR-52327S USB2.0 CD-RW PNY Verto GeForce 6800 GT 256MB Linksys Wireless-G PCI Adapter Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS ViewSonic A71f+ ViewSonic VX2025WM Creative Inspire P5800 ASUS A2428PDV Microsoft XBOX 360 此文章於 2023-06-03 12:39 PM 被 pc 編輯. |
2023-06-03, 12:37 PM
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加入日期: Nov 2013 您的住址: California, USA
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在洛杉磯就有一些孩子嘗試不靠父母自己謀生. LGBTQ kids kicked out with nowhere to go; Life on the streets https://www.losangelesblade.com/202...on-the-streets/ |
2023-06-03, 12:51 PM
Elite Member
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這名老師只不過是做了正確的事,結果反被學校開除: https://twitter.com/ClownWorld_/sta...512702402523138 TEACHER SAYS SHE WAS FIRED FOR NOT HIDING STUDENTS' GENDER PREFERENCES FROM PARENTS 公立學校現在簡直是群魔亂舞......... https://abc7.com/jurupa-valley-high...ntity/12950847/ SoCal teacher says she was fired for not hiding students' gender preferences from parents 更糟糕的是,隱瞞這回事還是州法允許的!! >>Jessica Tapia was fired for refusing to follow a state law that forbids teachers from talking to parents about their child's gender choices without consent from the student. >>"And I said, 'Are you asking me to lie to parents?' And they said 'Yes,'" Tapia said outside Jurupa Valley High. >>AB 1266 was passed in 2014. It says schools can't tell parents about their children's gender identity without first asking the student. >>Assemblyman Bill Essayli from Riverside is now introducing new legislation. He says he wants to protect parental rights so parents know what's going on with their children. >>"Concealing information from parents is not only wrong, it's dangerous and harmful to the emotional and physical safety of trans minors," Essayli said, standing next to Tapia during a press conference. >>Tapia said parents need to be involved during this time. >>"We are talking about minors. Their brain is not fully developed. The decision-making portal in that brain is not fully developed, and they need their parents at this time for everything," she said. "Everything they're going through, mentally, emotionally physically, spiritually, you name it." >>Tapia is planning to sue the school district for wrongful termination.
My PC: AMD Athlon64 3500+ S939 2200mhz Corsair DDR500 512MB*2 Abit AV8 K8T800 Pro Hitachi HDS72251 6VLAT80 SCSI Disk Device 160GB/8MB Buffer Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-110D LITE-ON LTR-52327S USB2.0 CD-RW PNY Verto GeForce 6800 GT 256MB Linksys Wireless-G PCI Adapter Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS ViewSonic A71f+ ViewSonic VX2025WM Creative Inspire P5800 ASUS A2428PDV Microsoft XBOX 360 |
2023-06-05, 09:38 PM
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My PC: AMD Athlon64 3500+ S939 2200mhz Corsair DDR500 512MB*2 Abit AV8 K8T800 Pro Hitachi HDS72251 6VLAT80 SCSI Disk Device 160GB/8MB Buffer Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-110D LITE-ON LTR-52327S USB2.0 CD-RW PNY Verto GeForce 6800 GT 256MB Linksys Wireless-G PCI Adapter Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS ViewSonic A71f+ ViewSonic VX2025WM Creative Inspire P5800 ASUS A2428PDV Microsoft XBOX 360 |
2023-06-09, 09:59 AM
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加入日期: Aug 2003
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畢竟心智不成熟,萬一被那些團體慫恿有錯覺 變性又不用父母同意,割掉老二或是做一些不可逆變性手術 以後長大發現自己是異性戀,沒有那些傾向豈不是也毀了一個人 |
2023-06-09, 10:10 AM
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加入日期: Nov 2013 您的住址: California, USA
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手術不便宜,能負擔的通常都有父母的支持. |
2023-06-09, 11:05 AM
Elite Member
加入日期: Nov 1999 您的住址: Arlington, Texas
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別說未成年心智不成熟,也有不少心智成熟的成年人,變性之後心理層面還是無法有效適應,後悔當初做出變性的決定,這邊有個案例: https://www.bannedbook.org/bnews/zh...12/1822608.html 美國前海豹突擊隊成員後悔變性:我被CNN利用了
My PC: AMD Athlon64 3500+ S939 2200mhz Corsair DDR500 512MB*2 Abit AV8 K8T800 Pro Hitachi HDS72251 6VLAT80 SCSI Disk Device 160GB/8MB Buffer Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-110D LITE-ON LTR-52327S USB2.0 CD-RW PNY Verto GeForce 6800 GT 256MB Linksys Wireless-G PCI Adapter Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS ViewSonic A71f+ ViewSonic VX2025WM Creative Inspire P5800 ASUS A2428PDV Microsoft XBOX 360 |
2023-06-09, 11:22 AM