Master Member
加入日期: Feb 2004 您的住址: 加拿大
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我目前也是計畫在3月底二選一入手當自己的生日禮物 XD 若有剩餘, 再考慮要不要添加
Rule #12: Never date a co-worker. Rule #13: Never involve lawyers. Rule #23: Never mess with a Marine's coffee if you want to live! Rule #51: Sometimes you are wrong 純白の吸血鬼は微笑む:私を殺した責任、とってもらうからわ - アルクエイド ブリュンスッド 貴方に出逢い STAR輝いて アタシが生まれて Was aus Liebe gethan wird, geschieht immer Jenseits von Gut und Böse - Friedrick Wilhelm Nietzsche Cain was the first man ever to strike down another... and when the Lord came to him and said ‘What have you done!?’, Cain could not hide his crime. For the voice of his brother’s blood cried out from the very ground The world has been your battlefield, everywhere you go. The blood of brothers and sons screams out against you. Perhaps you cannot yet hear it, because the soil is not your own, but you will... you will |
2009-01-21, 12:16 PM
Advance Member
加入日期: May 2008 您的住址: 滅絕希望的世界
文章: 336
這個測試不錯喔~~ 之前我就有想到~~ 但是 一直還沒有做實地的實驗過~~ 改天有空~我把3870x2和9800gx2裝在一起~ 看看可不可以~雙驅動~然後雙跑分~~!
CPU:Intel i7 930 ES M/B:MSI Eclipse SLI RAM:金士頓 DDR3 1333 4Gx6 Hynix顆粒 VGA:ATI 5870 1G PhysX-VGA:NVIDIA 8800 Ultra POWER:振華冰山旗艦Plus 1000W模組化 Case:Cooler Master H.A.F 932 --------------------------------------------------- 02/20 用顯卡掛Folding@Home時~會用多少瓦數~我來測給您看~! |
2009-01-21, 12:22 PM
Power Member
加入日期: Oct 2008 您的住址: 高雄市
文章: 572
話說回來 時間=PPD+MONEY
如果當初不是在九月還是十月入手GTX280 拖到現在總分也才可能突破五十萬而已 就算以當時的價格買到現在的GTX285 11%-20%左右 效能的成長 時間就是價差了(摩爾定律) 也可能無法享受到紅色警戒3高解析度特效全開的效果 就像當初二號機還沒組出來前 9800GT TOP在我哥那裡 可以玩到全特效 組出來後換成9500 GT變成只能降低特效等級 是差很多的 因為兵種數一多畫面延遲馬上就看出來 總而言之 下好離手 (為什麼我要在1.14購入E8500 嗚...Q9400竟然在1.18 降價到七千多)
2009-01-21, 01:10 PM
Master Member
加入日期: Feb 2004 您的住址: 加拿大
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如果像某人有 100 萬預算那當然下好離手... 因為我的預算吃緊, 只好慢慢編列... 最近有其他的事情要先挪用, 不管怎樣, 總是要先顧好自己才有餘力去幫別人 對拉, 買新顯卡有很大的成分自己也會爽到...
Rule #12: Never date a co-worker. Rule #13: Never involve lawyers. Rule #23: Never mess with a Marine's coffee if you want to live! Rule #51: Sometimes you are wrong 純白の吸血鬼は微笑む:私を殺した責任、とってもらうからわ - アルクエイド ブリュンスッド 貴方に出逢い STAR輝いて アタシが生まれて Was aus Liebe gethan wird, geschieht immer Jenseits von Gut und Böse - Friedrick Wilhelm Nietzsche Cain was the first man ever to strike down another... and when the Lord came to him and said ‘What have you done!?’, Cain could not hide his crime. For the voice of his brother’s blood cried out from the very ground The world has been your battlefield, everywhere you go. The blood of brothers and sons screams out against you. Perhaps you cannot yet hear it, because the soil is not your own, but you will... you will |
2009-01-21, 01:54 PM
Elite Member
加入日期: Dec 2006 您的住址: Taipei
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intel 的降價幾乎是規律的每季在發生,一月份怎麼可以貿然挺進咧 ~ 當然會買在最高點了.
A卡+N卡的GPU運算, 若當做研究嘗試是無可厚非, 但算在每瓦電力的效益上, 不適合長期進行 除非僅有A卡可用, 基於公益心意來參加, 有心投入F@H的隊友, 還是建議純N社中高階卡為組合 除非等到A卡大翻盤或是更接近每瓦產值才來考慮異種卡雙拼. 盡量同時兼顧能量使用效益. |
2009-01-21, 02:28 PM
Master Member
加入日期: Feb 2004 您的住址: 加拿大
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主因是最近家人在考慮組 HTPC... 說為了畫質考量堅持 A 卡...
另外, 就我所知, NCIX隊, 是加拿大溫哥華的一間電腦店, 他們可能也有類似的贊助, 他們的論壇成員有的就有 NCIX folding team 的標誌... 講真的, 要繼續往上衝, 除非有隊友中彩卷架機房或是資助其他隊友, 真的只能靠廠商贊助... orz 不管怎樣, 有開頭總是好事, 希望能進一步往上 目前這一季的預算基本上是確定了, 三月有大約 500 CAD 上下的預算來買顯卡, GTX285 是足夠了, 若是要295, 就看這一陣子能不能節省點... 泡麵經濟嗎?
Rule #12: Never date a co-worker. Rule #13: Never involve lawyers. Rule #23: Never mess with a Marine's coffee if you want to live! Rule #51: Sometimes you are wrong 純白の吸血鬼は微笑む:私を殺した責任、とってもらうからわ - アルクエイド ブリュンスッド 貴方に出逢い STAR輝いて アタシが生まれて Was aus Liebe gethan wird, geschieht immer Jenseits von Gut und Böse - Friedrick Wilhelm Nietzsche Cain was the first man ever to strike down another... and when the Lord came to him and said ‘What have you done!?’, Cain could not hide his crime. For the voice of his brother’s blood cried out from the very ground The world has been your battlefield, everywhere you go. The blood of brothers and sons screams out against you. Perhaps you cannot yet hear it, because the soil is not your own, but you will... you will |
2009-01-21, 02:54 PM
Master Member
加入日期: Feb 2004 您的住址: 加拿大
文章: 2,391
Rule #12: Never date a co-worker. Rule #13: Never involve lawyers. Rule #23: Never mess with a Marine's coffee if you want to live! Rule #51: Sometimes you are wrong 純白の吸血鬼は微笑む:私を殺した責任、とってもらうからわ - アルクエイド ブリュンスッド 貴方に出逢い STAR輝いて アタシが生まれて Was aus Liebe gethan wird, geschieht immer Jenseits von Gut und Böse - Friedrick Wilhelm Nietzsche Cain was the first man ever to strike down another... and when the Lord came to him and said ‘What have you done!?’, Cain could not hide his crime. For the voice of his brother’s blood cried out from the very ground The world has been your battlefield, everywhere you go. The blood of brothers and sons screams out against you. Perhaps you cannot yet hear it, because the soil is not your own, but you will... you will 此文章於 2009-01-21 03:35 PM 被 Arucueid 編輯. |
2009-01-21, 03:33 PM
Golden Member
加入日期: Mar 2003 您的住址: 鳥不生蛋的地方
文章: 2,620
對岸關於Cat 8.12 + Core 1.22 結果 此文章於 2009-01-21 03:59 PM 被 HardCorr 編輯. |
2009-01-21, 03:53 PM
Elite Member
加入日期: Dec 2006 您的住址: Taipei
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以時間拉長來看, 絕對不要小看自己以及團隊的力量, 參與F@H不是衝短跑, 是超級馬拉松 有強大機房的投入固然很好, 有贊助,當然會繼續想辦法, 但我更在意的是能否長久的執行. 顯卡的進步是有目共睹的, 四五年後的中階卡可能日產破萬還不用吃外加電源, 或是我們 可能看到單卡日產三萬的怪物, 屆時就算僅以目前的活躍人數,日產都足以突破數百萬 不用擔心現在的產分能力, 只需要盡個六七分力 輕鬆的長期做就行了. 團隊的進步會隨 硬體的發展自動升級, 隊員只需要持續的執行, 與生活自然輕鬆的融入 就可以日起有功. 與其辛苦的吃泡麵, 不如收個二手的9800GX2也很好, 飲食均衡身體健康還是比較重要啊~ 這可是長期抗戰啊~ |
2009-01-21, 04:35 PM
Master Member
加入日期: Jun 2002
文章: 2,332
有需要的話Intel那一點點價差還好啦! 在下的二號機就是最近升級Q9550,實際價差也不 過四.五百左右,最慘的應該是去年年底買的人XD~ 至於A卡要大翻盤以在下開發的經驗來說可能性太小...除了先天架構不合適之外AMD沒有 資金養一堆人開發像CUDA這樣高度完成的架構和優秀的整合環境,等M$佛心來的DX11 真的把GPU運算加速這塊統一看有沒有機會 至於跑F@H真的是要長期戰力,而不是拼短期....最佳的例子就是在下...雖然空有一堆 高階機器和顯卡但是卻因為一堆因素無法長期跑,斷斷續續跑到最後都會不想開了...Orz 基本上這種事情還是如Z大說得長期穩定+有心最重要
Es muss sein! |
2009-01-21, 05:01 PM