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加入日期: Dec 2006 您的住址: Taipei
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賀! -SHINN- 達成五十萬積點里程碑!
賀! Barl 達成五十萬積點里程碑! 目前50萬+隊員數合計: 69 |
2009-03-03, 09:59 AM
Master Member
加入日期: Feb 2004 您的住址: 加拿大
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evga 是北美三大顯卡商, 算是強隊, 在他們的newsletter 上都有宣傳 FAH...
有沒有給discount 就不得而知... 不過應該不會像FTL 一樣drop...
Rule #12: Never date a co-worker. Rule #13: Never involve lawyers. Rule #23: Never mess with a Marine's coffee if you want to live! Rule #51: Sometimes you are wrong 純白の吸血鬼は微笑む:私を殺した責任、とってもらうからわ - アルクエイド ブリュンスッド 貴方に出逢い STAR輝いて アタシが生まれて Was aus Liebe gethan wird, geschieht immer Jenseits von Gut und Böse - Friedrick Wilhelm Nietzsche Cain was the first man ever to strike down another... and when the Lord came to him and said ‘What have you done!?’, Cain could not hide his crime. For the voice of his brother’s blood cried out from the very ground The world has been your battlefield, everywhere you go. The blood of brothers and sons screams out against you. Perhaps you cannot yet hear it, because the soil is not your own, but you will... you will 此文章於 2009-03-03 10:19 AM 被 Arucueid 編輯. |
2009-03-03, 10:17 AM
Junior Member
加入日期: Aug 2003 您的住址: 台中市
文章: 751
果然有財團在後面撐就是不一樣 顯卡商也算財團吧?
2009-03-03, 10:40 AM
Master Member
加入日期: Feb 2004 您的住址: 加拿大
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印象中稍早有舊卡貼錢換新卡... 可能也藉此清庫存吧... 但是次舉無疑也讓不少人加入 EVGA team... 加上終保...
Rule #12: Never date a co-worker. Rule #13: Never involve lawyers. Rule #23: Never mess with a Marine's coffee if you want to live! Rule #51: Sometimes you are wrong 純白の吸血鬼は微笑む:私を殺した責任、とってもらうからわ - アルクエイド ブリュンスッド 貴方に出逢い STAR輝いて アタシが生まれて Was aus Liebe gethan wird, geschieht immer Jenseits von Gut und Böse - Friedrick Wilhelm Nietzsche Cain was the first man ever to strike down another... and when the Lord came to him and said ‘What have you done!?’, Cain could not hide his crime. For the voice of his brother’s blood cried out from the very ground The world has been your battlefield, everywhere you go. The blood of brothers and sons screams out against you. Perhaps you cannot yet hear it, because the soil is not your own, but you will... you will |
2009-03-03, 10:45 AM
Elite Member
加入日期: Dec 2006 您的住址: Taipei
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所以答案就很明顯了, GPU為運算器主體的出現,已破壞多年來F@H團隊的產分結構與勢力. 現在人多不一定就贏, 運算器一差就跳了幾個級數,一樣可以以少勝多. 以人數跟我們最接近的十強隊伍overclocker.com來說, PPD能2M應該也是高度的GPU族群. 但我們現在還是要多多推廣, 用GPU做運算的時代會越來越普及, 到五年後, GPU運算全面化後, 還是會回歸到"人數"這個分散式運算基本盤的因子. 大家除了自己衝, 也多曝光這個訊息給 身邊的人加入, 不管是GPU/CPU都可以是一份心力. |
2009-03-03, 11:13 AM
Power Member
加入日期: Oct 2008 您的住址: 高雄市
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顯示卡商呀 不知道他們的GTX295台幣賣多少 突然想東戳一下ASUS西戳一下MSI南戳一下Leadtek 北戳一下GIGABYTE.... (你們要不要也來贊助一下)
2009-03-03, 01:23 PM
Junior Member
加入日期: Aug 2003 您的住址: 台中市
文章: 751
其實我有點想問的是 這樣做對EVGA有什麼好處? 清庫存?增加市佔率? 推己及人,如果對國內三大廠也有同樣益處的話,才有可能開始談吧∼
2009-03-03, 02:34 PM
Master Member
加入日期: Feb 2004 您的住址: 加拿大
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evga 是 NV 的 AIC 之一, 當初被倒不少貨, 而且堆在手上的卡就是增加成本, 總是要清掉
Rule #12: Never date a co-worker. Rule #13: Never involve lawyers. Rule #23: Never mess with a Marine's coffee if you want to live! Rule #51: Sometimes you are wrong 純白の吸血鬼は微笑む:私を殺した責任、とってもらうからわ - アルクエイド ブリュンスッド 貴方に出逢い STAR輝いて アタシが生まれて Was aus Liebe gethan wird, geschieht immer Jenseits von Gut und Böse - Friedrick Wilhelm Nietzsche Cain was the first man ever to strike down another... and when the Lord came to him and said ‘What have you done!?’, Cain could not hide his crime. For the voice of his brother’s blood cried out from the very ground The world has been your battlefield, everywhere you go. The blood of brothers and sons screams out against you. Perhaps you cannot yet hear it, because the soil is not your own, but you will... you will |
2009-03-03, 03:10 PM
Power Member
加入日期: Oct 2008 您的住址: 高雄市
文章: 572
可能的好處 如果在國內 是用在公益的話 可以節稅 又可以增加產品知名度 問題是 現在ASUS跟GIGABYTE還在為了P43 P45晶片的庫存傷腦筋 尤其是P45...算是高階板了...現在一般玩家多半用到1 slot PCI-E的 要用到2 slot PCI-E 除了板子價格高 還有另一個問題 電源... 因為是Intel的合作廠商被塞貨...慘 ...
2009-03-03, 03:13 PM
Power Member
加入日期: Oct 2008 您的住址: 高雄市
文章: 572
這讓我想起最近狂出的ASUS 9800 GT TOP櫻花妹 ASUS倒底被塞了多少的8800 GTS 晶片呀...
2009-03-03, 03:15 PM