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國外有,一堆發悼念 是台灣報比較少,畢竟這個淡出演藝圈也有段時間 |
2022-12-23, 09:59 AM
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加入日期: Mar 2012
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看一下史特龍的 Tulsa King 壓壓驚
不過史特龍只有 76 歲 |
2022-12-23, 02:25 PM
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加入日期: Mar 2001 您的住址: 光之幻境
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武肺疫情正炙的時候,當年名人死得也多,大家看到都麻木了。 而且他2006年就息影,後期幾部作品口碑跟票房也都不佳, 年輕一輩的搞不好都不知道他了。
節儉持家散假狼的歷代CPU小兵--- Pentium 2-300oc450 (Deschutes) --> Pentium 4-540J (Prescott) --> i7-920 (Bloomfield) --> Xeon x5675 (Westmere-EP) --> i7-14700k (Raptor Lake) 時隔多年的大更新 |
2022-12-23, 02:34 PM
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加入日期: Nov 1999 您的住址: Arlington, Texas
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最近邪惡米老鼠內部關於Indy5最新的內幕,大家姑且『聽聽就好』:據說回鍋CEO Bob Iger已經看過目前這一版的Indy5,他看完後不發一語,隨後把幕後那個女魔頭KK找來喝咖啡,咖啡內容是說他老兄對於這個版本非常非常不滿意,他給KK兩條路選,一條是KK回去『大改』Indy5從頭到尾的劇情,如果KK硬是要堅持這般的劇情設計發展,不願意修改的話,那嘿嘿嘿......會怎麼樣這個Iger似乎沒有挑明講 .........
My PC: AMD Athlon64 3500+ S939 2200mhz Corsair DDR500 512MB*2 Abit AV8 K8T800 Pro Hitachi HDS72251 6VLAT80 SCSI Disk Device 160GB/8MB Buffer Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-110D LITE-ON LTR-52327S USB2.0 CD-RW PNY Verto GeForce 6800 GT 256MB Linksys Wireless-G PCI Adapter Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS ViewSonic A71f+ ViewSonic VX2025WM Creative Inspire P5800 ASUS A2428PDV Microsoft XBOX 360 |
2023-01-19, 10:02 AM
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加入日期: Nov 1999 您的住址: Arlington, Texas
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQpwONzpcy4 ......不過為什麼他們要停用那個dislike功能? 連底下留言也看起來政確到不夠真實: >>This looks great! My wife, her boyfriend, and their two kids are looking forward to this. >>Absolutely fantastic. this trailer is so amazing, even my wife's boyfriend told me about it!! >> can't wait for this to come out! my wife's boyfriend has been wanting to take her on a date for a while, and this is the perfect flick! >>Absolute chills! Me, my wife, and her boyfriend will be there on opening day! Can't wait! >>Phoebe Waller-Bridge is my wife’s boyfriend’s favorite actress. So stunning, so brave. She can’t wait to take him to see this >>This movie trailer is sooo awesome, after my wife's boyfriend told me that the dislike button was switched off that gave me goose bumps! >>When I got back home from my vasectomy operation, my wife's boyfriend showed me this video. It's all we could talk about as we crushed about an hour or so of casual gaming on my nintendo switch. >>My wife’s boyfriend might take us all out to see it. And Phoebe looks stunning and brave! So glad to see such trans representation in a classic IP >>My wife boyfriend love the Indiana trilogy >>Was not sure if my Wife's boyfriend would let me watch this but I told him, Indy is fighting natzees, so it's okay. >>My wife's boyfriend says i can go watch it in 3D 他們到底在怕啥?
My PC: AMD Athlon64 3500+ S939 2200mhz Corsair DDR500 512MB*2 Abit AV8 K8T800 Pro Hitachi HDS72251 6VLAT80 SCSI Disk Device 160GB/8MB Buffer Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-110D LITE-ON LTR-52327S USB2.0 CD-RW PNY Verto GeForce 6800 GT 256MB Linksys Wireless-G PCI Adapter Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS ViewSonic A71f+ ViewSonic VX2025WM Creative Inspire P5800 ASUS A2428PDV Microsoft XBOX 360 此文章於 2023-02-14 05:36 PM 被 pc 編輯. |
2023-02-14, 05:18 PM
Senior Member
加入日期: Mar 2001 您的住址: 光之幻境
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什麼鬼,整篇都是My wife's boyfriend 感覺得出來留言者覺得到底看得是什麼垃圾
節儉持家散假狼的歷代CPU小兵--- Pentium 2-300oc450 (Deschutes) --> Pentium 4-540J (Prescott) --> i7-920 (Bloomfield) --> Xeon x5675 (Westmere-EP) --> i7-14700k (Raptor Lake) 時隔多年的大更新 |
2023-02-21, 07:57 PM
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加入日期: Nov 1999 您的住址: Arlington, Texas
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1. 主要演員全召回來重拍幾個場景,特別是結局的部分,少說還要花上兩到四個星期。 2. 電腦動畫特效人員被搞得七葷八素了,據說上週一堆特效人員氣得走人不幹。 3. 到目前為止,本片預算已經超支一億五千萬美金。回鍋CEO Iger要求KK,這片一定非賺錢不可,他不接受收支剛好打平、或是單純小賺一筆,全球票房一定要衝上9億美金的等級,所以KK現在幾乎就是『如履薄冰』。 4. 整個製作時間大幅延長,但是Iger不准該片延後上映,所以到時候時程會緊到不行,可能就沒有試映會,頂多給Iger試映,然後就得直接全球上映。
My PC: AMD Athlon64 3500+ S939 2200mhz Corsair DDR500 512MB*2 Abit AV8 K8T800 Pro Hitachi HDS72251 6VLAT80 SCSI Disk Device 160GB/8MB Buffer Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-110D LITE-ON LTR-52327S USB2.0 CD-RW PNY Verto GeForce 6800 GT 256MB Linksys Wireless-G PCI Adapter Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS ViewSonic A71f+ ViewSonic VX2025WM Creative Inspire P5800 ASUS A2428PDV Microsoft XBOX 360 |
2023-03-28, 11:30 AM
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加入日期: Jan 2002
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上週國外新聞指稱,米老鼠之家正在安排Indy5在坎城影展首映,今天的消息指稱已經確定了。米老鼠之家的企圖很明顯,就是沿用去年Top Gun 2的行銷模式。去年的Top Gun 2就是先在坎城首映,同時並有相關活動,上片後就席捲全球電影市場。以Indy5據說製作成本暴漲到2.95億美元,全球票房的確需要有接近Top Gun 2的水準,才可能收支平衡然後小賺。『全球票房一定要衝上9億美金的等級』,其實離收支平衡還有很遠的路,看一下阿凡達2就知道了。 去年11月國外就有新聞提到,柯麥隆承認阿凡達2全球票房需要達到影史票房前5名才會收支平衡。國外報導當時就提到,影史票房前5名的意思就是至少要20億美元。而阿凡達2的直接成本據說是6億美元,其中包括4.6億美元的製作成本。6億美元/20億美元=30%,也就是說電影公司只能從票房中回收30%,電影公司可以從票房回收五成已經是上個世紀的事。 而阿凡達2上片至今109天,全球票房到上週末才好不容易突破23.1億美元。這個數字其實表示,賺的錢還不到1億美元。不過,阿凡達2的串流版本上週末上架,在包括iTune、Google Play、Roku...等都拿下了週冠軍,而該片串流版本要價19.99美元,應該讓利潤突破了1億美元,我猜未來Indy5應該不會等那麼久才發行串流版本。 |
2023-04-04, 11:18 PM
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加入日期: Nov 1999 您的住址: Arlington, Texas
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https://thedirect.com/article/disne...s-franchise-end Disney Announces the End of the Indiana Jones Franchise 他們正式終結掉印第安那瓊斯系列電影。本片導演則是不斷強調,福伯就是印第安那瓊斯,沒人可以取代他來演這角色,藉此來消弭粉絲對於可能換成女性角色的疑慮。
My PC: AMD Athlon64 3500+ S939 2200mhz Corsair DDR500 512MB*2 Abit AV8 K8T800 Pro Hitachi HDS72251 6VLAT80 SCSI Disk Device 160GB/8MB Buffer Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-110D LITE-ON LTR-52327S USB2.0 CD-RW PNY Verto GeForce 6800 GT 256MB Linksys Wireless-G PCI Adapter Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS ViewSonic A71f+ ViewSonic VX2025WM Creative Inspire P5800 ASUS A2428PDV Microsoft XBOX 360 |
2023-04-07, 02:12 PM
Elite Member
加入日期: Nov 1999 您的住址: Arlington, Texas
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>>上週國外新聞指稱,米老鼠之家正在安排Indy5在坎城影展首映,今天的消息指稱已經確定了。米老鼠之家的企圖很明顯,就是沿用去年Top Gun 2的行銷模式。去年的Top Gun 2就是先在坎城首映......
My PC: AMD Athlon64 3500+ S939 2200mhz Corsair DDR500 512MB*2 Abit AV8 K8T800 Pro Hitachi HDS72251 6VLAT80 SCSI Disk Device 160GB/8MB Buffer Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-110D LITE-ON LTR-52327S USB2.0 CD-RW PNY Verto GeForce 6800 GT 256MB Linksys Wireless-G PCI Adapter Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS ViewSonic A71f+ ViewSonic VX2025WM Creative Inspire P5800 ASUS A2428PDV Microsoft XBOX 360 |
2023-05-24, 04:12 PM