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加入日期: May 2021
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三星不也有4nm 然後呢? 高通火龍S8 Gen1 現在高通不跟你玩了 轉成台積電S8 Gen1+ 還到處宣傳性能提升、功耗降低 |
2022-06-23, 11:00 AM
加入日期: Sep 2010 您的住址: 山與海之間...
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台積電地位不保?驚爆死敵3奈米超車 晶片業迎大轉折
13:202022/06/22 中時新聞網 邱怡萱 ****************************************************************** 看來愛國者很高興可以看到這個汪汪的新聞了 |
2022-06-23, 11:33 AM
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加入日期: Apr 2017 您的住址: 陣亡者的靈堂
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中芯財報本來有各個製程的收入佔比 後來FinFET跟28nm合併 現在只分12吋及8吋晶圓 不知道檯面下在搞什麼?
2022-06-23, 12:13 PM
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加入日期: Aug 2001 您的住址: 台中or桃園
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公開財報, 會迎來老美制裁 不公開財報, 也可能會迎來老美制裁 如果沒有打算在美國上市, 遮蔽部分信息應該是合理的作為 |
2022-06-23, 12:23 PM
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加入日期: Dec 2015
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我不是說外行話啊。 但是我可以告訴你,當初我看到MIPS R2000我立刻就放棄,沒繼續搞。 因為我從不相信老美會這麼簡單的就在教科書裡,告訴你R2000怎麼搞。 我很早就放棄搞R2000,因爲我知道就算搞出來,還是逃不過智財或專利的問題。 我之所以知道R2000肯定不簡單的原因是,我當初就根本沒走R2000的路,我走RISC- I跟SPARC的路。 所以你在R2000會遇到的問題我都碰過。 我比較幸運,我解決了。 SPARC的東西有沒有問題,拿要看你有沒有能力自己造整個軟體環境。 我一樣不相信SPARC的開源沒問題。所以我花了很多時間,自己修改我認為有問題或是沒必要的部分。 此文章於 2022-06-23 01:49 PM 被 沒問題 編輯. |
2022-06-23, 01:37 PM
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加入日期: Oct 2017 您的住址: 淡水跟北投之間
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2022-07-07, 07:38 PM
Major Member
加入日期: Jan 2008 您的住址: 銀河系
文章: 162
R2000有專利問題?? Are you sure? 你可以去查一家公司希圖視鼎 後來賣去大陸 倒掉前據我的了解 沒有遇到CPU專利問題 當初就是拿R2000來改的 他的SOC至少也有賣幾年 |
2022-07-07, 09:19 PM
Major Member
加入日期: Dec 2015
文章: 209
Do you realize that i have worked on MIPS R2000 almost two decades ago. the patents of MIPS R2000 expired in 2006 or 2008. that is why loongson spent a lot of money in order to accquire the license from MIPS. nobody could say that you violate the issues of MIPS' patents if you have modified the core from MIPS. i guess that the loongson accquires all the knowledges from the textbook of MIPS' R2000. of course, it also depends on how you modify the core from MIPS for your own desgin. i do believe that it is also the indirect reason why RISC-V would have existed. 此文章於 2022-07-08 04:53 AM 被 沒問題 編輯. |
2022-07-08, 04:30 AM
Major Member
加入日期: Dec 2015
文章: 209
by the way... did you find that most of companies working on MIPS would have no future?
the RISC-V is one of the variation of RISC-I. what i mean is that the way of successfully approching the goal does not just has only one. i have tried to implement super scalar execution, multiple micro processors synchronize exexution, multi-core micro processor, multi-threads and hardware multi-process execution. to be honest with you. i do not think that the loongson would have a profitable business in foreseeable future, unless the government of china stops providing the market share and stop founding the loongson. but you have to watch it out on its development and financial growth carefully by according to the policies of industry of china. who can tell what will happen next two decades? however, they always do something exclusive. because they are in china. they have what they need to concern. the reason i implemented a micro processor for my own self is to build my own arcade machine and a console for home entertainment. the problem of the loongson is that they did not find out a major market and application in order to bundle its design selling and facing the market. steve jobs did it. you can see the ipod and iphone. 此文章於 2022-07-08 05:32 AM 被 沒問題 編輯. |
2022-07-08, 05:05 AM
Amateur Member
加入日期: Jan 2008
文章: 33
它們又沒說有些客戶是皮包或空殼公司,客戶的客戶經多次轉售後,最終到俄國 現在中共國有直達火車班次,鐵路貨運可以直通俄國 幾個月前中共國還有慶祝直達火車開通典禮 貨物名單寫機械零件,實際送什麼不知道? 美國有證據應該就直接秀出來,用力制裁中共國企業
大俠漢堡包 門市版:大俠愛吃漢堡包,純正牛肉吃的好,香港市民添口福,吃了就是好寶寶 門市台語版:大俠愛吃漢堡包,吃完體力有夠好,學生吃完功課好,吃完就是好寶寶 天殘版:大俠愛吃黑貓貓,神經牛肉全是毛,香港市民添口福,吃過以後洗泡泡 天殘台語版:大俠愛吃漢堡包,吃完體力愛福好,姑娘吃完體格好,兩人整晚都很好 天殘:你不是大俠!吃香蕉! 劉德華:「做我們大俠的,通常都會消耗體力,所以每次練功之後,我一定吃大俠漢堡包, 各路大英雄,吃大俠漢堡包,讀書精神好,考試考不倒。」 |
2022-07-09, 01:33 PM