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所以前輩要衝 i7 980X , 這樣一來搞不好一個超大WU得分就能破7萬..
2010-02-13, 02:24 PM
Elite Member
加入日期: Nov 2002 您的住址: 不正常人類研究中心
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http://www.pcdvd.com.tw/showthread.php?t=885583 照這樣看來現有的X58也不見得可以支援八核心的 Sandy Bridge 我要升級的話也至少是直接跳的兩三倍以上才有感覺
要用FurMark燒機請注意,作者建議跑15分鐘就好/電腦電源接頭規格 加入 F@H分散運算,幫助對抗疾病/ /加入WCG分散運算,幫助解決癌症,AIDS,糧食與能源問題 http://cid-d082ecba16a55988.skydriv...=GetSharingLink VGAMaster 請多多支持,歡迎任意轉貼! |
2010-02-13, 03:50 PM
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Vincent Voelz has released two new projects for the nVidia GPU2 client: p3469 and p3470. These projects are in addition to the recently announced projects 6319-6326. They also study the Fs peptide (p3469) and the C terminal hairpin of the G protein (p3470). These simulations are part of a much larger endeavour to determine the optimum settings for the "Generalized Born" implicit solvent model. These methods were first used in the PS3 client, and were then added to the conventional/uniprocessor and GPU2 cores. The bulk of these tests have been run on the PS3 client. These latest projects aim to refine the results still further, and also validate the results produced by Sony's flagship. These projects are distributed from server These projects simulate smaller proteins, so should produce above average performance. Points and deadlines: project 3469 (Fs_peptide): 450 points, timeout 6 days, deadline 9 days, Quick Benchmark*: 55s, 7069PPD on a GT240 with the shaders at 1700MHz. project 3470 (proG hairpin): 445 points, timeout 6 days, deadline 9 days, Quick Benchmark*: 45s, 8544PPD on a 9800GTX at stock clocks Source: Project Descriptions jmn On: 02/09/10 看起來p3469 and p3470(Credit 450、445)的PPD也不錯。
2010-02-14, 09:38 AM
Elite Member
加入日期: Nov 2002 您的住址: 不正常人類研究中心
文章: 6,327
要用FurMark燒機請注意,作者建議跑15分鐘就好/電腦電源接頭規格 加入 F@H分散運算,幫助對抗疾病/ /加入WCG分散運算,幫助解決癌症,AIDS,糧食與能源問題 http://cid-d082ecba16a55988.skydriv...=GetSharingLink VGAMaster 請多多支持,歡迎任意轉貼! |
2010-02-15, 01:38 PM
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2010-02-15, 04:30 PM
Junior Member
加入日期: Sep 2001 您的住址: 1342萬光年外
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真的要跑的話,就收ati的wu來跑吧。 把 -forcegpu nvidia_g80改成-forcegpu ati_r600就能了。 了勝於無. 等負責發nv wu的那幾台wu server開始正常運作再改回來..
2010-02-15, 06:25 PM
Junior Member
加入日期: Sep 2001 您的住址: 1342萬光年外
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2010-02-16, 02:50 AM
Power Member
加入日期: Oct 2008 您的住址: 高雄市
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雖然有一搭沒一搭的跑... 還是心繫大家^^
2010-02-17, 02:02 PM
Master Member
加入日期: Feb 2004 您的住址: 加拿大
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隨時會搬出去, 之後就沒人管我怎麼跑了
Rule #12: Never date a co-worker. Rule #13: Never involve lawyers. Rule #23: Never mess with a Marine's coffee if you want to live! Rule #51: Sometimes you are wrong 純白の吸血鬼は微笑む:私を殺した責任、とってもらうからわ - アルクエイド ブリュンスッド 貴方に出逢い STAR輝いて アタシが生まれて Was aus Liebe gethan wird, geschieht immer Jenseits von Gut und Böse - Friedrick Wilhelm Nietzsche Cain was the first man ever to strike down another... and when the Lord came to him and said ‘What have you done!?’, Cain could not hide his crime. For the voice of his brother’s blood cried out from the very ground The world has been your battlefield, everywhere you go. The blood of brothers and sons screams out against you. Perhaps you cannot yet hear it, because the soil is not your own, but you will... you will |
2010-02-19, 05:16 AM
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2010-02-19, 07:08 AM