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http://en.fah-addict.net/news/news-...olding-home.php Phenom II X6 performance in Folding@Home It has been a few days now since AMD launched the Phenom X6, and the first users have received theirs and tested their folding potential. There are two user-given results produced so far that will be of interest if you're thinking of turning to these processors yourself. AZBrandon on the Official Forum has tested his Phenom II X6 1090T (3.2GHz) on a Project 6023 unit, from which was yielded 10,587 PPD (4:07 minutes per frame) as measured by HFM.NET and including the bonus. Mypcisugly on the Overclock.net forum overclocked his Phenom II X6 1055T to 3.5GHz for a total yield of 12,465 PPD on p6025 (3:50 minutes per frame), also measured by HFM.NET and including the bonus. These results would seem fairly promising for these CPUs, but they still hinge on their 6 cores and higher clock frequencies to compete with Intel's Core i7s on the Folding@Home front (for comparison, an i7 860 overclocked to 3.5GHz produces about 13,200 PPD whilst running in parallel with 3 nVidia GPUs, and an i7 920 overclocked to 3.8GHz exceeds the 16,000 PPD mark with no GPU interference; both setups running A3 SMP2 units, with bonuses factored in). AMD, however, still retains its long-time advantage of relatively low and attractive processor prices, which generally perform more equally with Intel on more conventional, run of the mill applications.
2010-05-02, 01:59 PM
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2010-05-03, 04:41 AM
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加入日期: Dec 2006 您的住址: Taipei
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先賀....無痛升級GTX295. |
2010-05-03, 06:56 AM
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加入日期: Nov 2002 您的住址: 不正常人類研究中心
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然後GTX295缺料,所以改GTX470 暫時不能跑F@H 只能拿去賣掉買 Core i7
要用FurMark燒機請注意,作者建議跑15分鐘就好/電腦電源接頭規格 加入 F@H分散運算,幫助對抗疾病/ /加入WCG分散運算,幫助解決癌症,AIDS,糧食與能源問題 http://cid-d082ecba16a55988.skydriv...=GetSharingLink VGAMaster 請多多支持,歡迎任意轉貼! |
2010-05-03, 01:18 PM
Junior Member
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唉..這張是家中遊戲機兼跑F@H用的, 現在回家不能玩遊戲有點悶, 晚上用Raziel前輩的Bigadv贊助款時, 再順手帶一張回來好了..
2010-05-03, 02:35 PM
Elite Member
加入日期: Dec 2006 您的住址: Taipei
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賀! 積分超越Team Anandtech, 世界排名前進一名, 來到第18名.
15名之前一路暢通看不到阻礙, 預計五月中 超越 SAGoons. 大家繼續加油~ |
2010-05-06, 08:25 AM
Elite Member
加入日期: Dec 2006 您的住址: Taipei
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賀! 自己路過70,000個任務完成里程碑!
2010-05-07, 10:56 AM
Elite Member
加入日期: Dec 2006 您的住址: Taipei
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對 技嘉 的保固服務給予小小的正面肯定~
9800GX2送修回來的是全新的GTX285~ Lucky me! 感恩~ |
2010-05-07, 05:35 PM
加入日期: Apr 2009
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路過6000 WU
順便慶祝超越一些 停跑的tw team大老級donor 重裝vmplayer再開bigadv中..... |
2010-05-12, 08:08 PM
Junior Member
加入日期: Sep 2001 您的住址: 1342萬光年外
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喜 之前跟R大收的GTX280 二轉成 GTX295。 憂 Bigadv + 9800GX2雙卡機 的PSU掛掉......已經算了85%的Big WU 可能就這麼去了...
2010-05-13, 12:44 AM