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My PC: AMD Athlon64 3500+ S939 2200mhz Corsair DDR500 512MB*2 Abit AV8 K8T800 Pro Hitachi HDS72251 6VLAT80 SCSI Disk Device 160GB/8MB Buffer Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-110D LITE-ON LTR-52327S USB2.0 CD-RW PNY Verto GeForce 6800 GT 256MB Linksys Wireless-G PCI Adapter Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS ViewSonic A71f+ ViewSonic VX2025WM Creative Inspire P5800 ASUS A2428PDV Microsoft XBOX 360 |
2021-05-27, 02:35 PM
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Trump was right again?
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...nearly-200.html Was Trump right about hydroxychloroquine all along? New study shows drug touted by former president can increase COVID survival rates by 200%
My PC: AMD Athlon64 3500+ S939 2200mhz Corsair DDR500 512MB*2 Abit AV8 K8T800 Pro Hitachi HDS72251 6VLAT80 SCSI Disk Device 160GB/8MB Buffer Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-110D LITE-ON LTR-52327S USB2.0 CD-RW PNY Verto GeForce 6800 GT 256MB Linksys Wireless-G PCI Adapter Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS ViewSonic A71f+ ViewSonic VX2025WM Creative Inspire P5800 ASUS A2428PDV Microsoft XBOX 360 |
2021-06-11, 10:00 AM
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My PC: AMD Athlon64 3500+ S939 2200mhz Corsair DDR500 512MB*2 Abit AV8 K8T800 Pro Hitachi HDS72251 6VLAT80 SCSI Disk Device 160GB/8MB Buffer Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-110D LITE-ON LTR-52327S USB2.0 CD-RW PNY Verto GeForce 6800 GT 256MB Linksys Wireless-G PCI Adapter Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS ViewSonic A71f+ ViewSonic VX2025WM Creative Inspire P5800 ASUS A2428PDV Microsoft XBOX 360 |
2021-06-13, 07:20 PM
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反川排名應該是第一位,當時所有的主流媒體爭相邀請來訪問的律師Michael Avenatti,現在居然因敲詐而被判刑兩年半:
https://apnews.com/article/michael-...8baf9704191f5ed Avenatti sentenced to 2 1/2 years in prison for extortion 最近紐約曼哈頓一名聯邦法官裁決他因為恐嚇Nike罪名成立,判刑兩年半,而他居然一反過去敲條的態度,涕泗交流承認過失。 囂張果然沒落魄久 ,而且他的麻煩還沒結束,他曾經代表色情女星Stormy Daniels控告川普總統,結果Daniels出書的一百多萬元合約就被Avenatti坑了,弄到她現在還必須跳脫衣舞維生,所以他被Daniels控告侵吞,案子在下星期在加州法庭審訊,還有另外兩件被他顧客控告的案子還等待開審。
My PC: AMD Athlon64 3500+ S939 2200mhz Corsair DDR500 512MB*2 Abit AV8 K8T800 Pro Hitachi HDS72251 6VLAT80 SCSI Disk Device 160GB/8MB Buffer Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-110D LITE-ON LTR-52327S USB2.0 CD-RW PNY Verto GeForce 6800 GT 256MB Linksys Wireless-G PCI Adapter Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS ViewSonic A71f+ ViewSonic VX2025WM Creative Inspire P5800 ASUS A2428PDV Microsoft XBOX 360 |
2021-07-10, 08:32 PM
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https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-ow...-003414574.html Trump is owed a $1 million tax refund for his Chicago skyscraper but local officials are trying to block it 川普那個在芝加哥的大樓最近被判定當年價值是高估,實際上沒必要繳那麼多稅,所以算算川普可獲得高達一百萬美金的退稅,然後當地的稅務機關想辦法阻止退稅給川普。
My PC: AMD Athlon64 3500+ S939 2200mhz Corsair DDR500 512MB*2 Abit AV8 K8T800 Pro Hitachi HDS72251 6VLAT80 SCSI Disk Device 160GB/8MB Buffer Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-110D LITE-ON LTR-52327S USB2.0 CD-RW PNY Verto GeForce 6800 GT 256MB Linksys Wireless-G PCI Adapter Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS ViewSonic A71f+ ViewSonic VX2025WM Creative Inspire P5800 ASUS A2428PDV Microsoft XBOX 360 |
2021-08-01, 11:47 AM
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這隻RINO在台上也被在場觀眾噓爆: https://twitter.com/brahmresnik/sta...034597279502338 Whoaa. GOP Secretary of State candidate @MichelleUgenti is booed off stage at TPUSA rally for Trump. She opposed GOP lawmaker’s wish list for election changes. #AZSOS 直接被轟下台,觀眾完全不給面子,完全不給他發言的機會。這樣還肖想出馬競選州務卿?
My PC: AMD Athlon64 3500+ S939 2200mhz Corsair DDR500 512MB*2 Abit AV8 K8T800 Pro Hitachi HDS72251 6VLAT80 SCSI Disk Device 160GB/8MB Buffer Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-110D LITE-ON LTR-52327S USB2.0 CD-RW PNY Verto GeForce 6800 GT 256MB Linksys Wireless-G PCI Adapter Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS ViewSonic A71f+ ViewSonic VX2025WM Creative Inspire P5800 ASUS A2428PDV Microsoft XBOX 360 |
2021-08-01, 12:02 PM
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https://twitter.com/RSBNetwork/stat...7234855940?s=19 看到敗登施政是失敗接著失敗,你們有沒有想我啊? 這點我是不敢說啦,不過我倒是在社群網站上看到不少buyers' remorse的案子,很多人現在才發現敗登競選時說一套,上任後做完全另外一套,競選承諾完全沒實現,後悔說『我為什麼當初要選他』、『還不如投給川普』.......
My PC: AMD Athlon64 3500+ S939 2200mhz Corsair DDR500 512MB*2 Abit AV8 K8T800 Pro Hitachi HDS72251 6VLAT80 SCSI Disk Device 160GB/8MB Buffer Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-110D LITE-ON LTR-52327S USB2.0 CD-RW PNY Verto GeForce 6800 GT 256MB Linksys Wireless-G PCI Adapter Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS ViewSonic A71f+ ViewSonic VX2025WM Creative Inspire P5800 ASUS A2428PDV Microsoft XBOX 360 |
2021-08-14, 09:20 AM
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https://www.foxnews.com/tech/trump-...impression=true Trump barred from Twitter, but Taliban spokesman tweets away 川普果然比塔利班還危險.......
My PC: AMD Athlon64 3500+ S939 2200mhz Corsair DDR500 512MB*2 Abit AV8 K8T800 Pro Hitachi HDS72251 6VLAT80 SCSI Disk Device 160GB/8MB Buffer Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-110D LITE-ON LTR-52327S USB2.0 CD-RW PNY Verto GeForce 6800 GT 256MB Linksys Wireless-G PCI Adapter Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS ViewSonic A71f+ ViewSonic VX2025WM Creative Inspire P5800 ASUS A2428PDV Microsoft XBOX 360 |
2021-08-17, 10:50 PM
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https://www.reuters.com/world/us/ex...ces-2021-08-20/ Exclusive: FBI finds scant evidence U.S. Capitol attack was coordinated - sources 據四位現任和前任執法官員稱,依聯邦調查局FBI的調查結果,無足夠證據表明今年1月6日的美國國會暴動攻擊,是為了推翻總統選舉結果的組織性陰謀行動。 最好笑的是調查人員發現,那些被抹黑到不行的極右翼團體,像是Oath Keepers和Proud Boys等抗議者曾試圖闖入國會大廈。但是並未有任何證據表明這些團體是認真規劃過闖了進去是要幹嘛的。 這幾個月來民主黨一直想把今年一月六日炒作成2001年9月11日,只是一般美國人沒把它當一回事: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_OT3ucI39g Things Aren't Working As Well As They'd Hoped! 臉書跟推特可以準備還川普一個公道了吧?
My PC: AMD Athlon64 3500+ S939 2200mhz Corsair DDR500 512MB*2 Abit AV8 K8T800 Pro Hitachi HDS72251 6VLAT80 SCSI Disk Device 160GB/8MB Buffer Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-110D LITE-ON LTR-52327S USB2.0 CD-RW PNY Verto GeForce 6800 GT 256MB Linksys Wireless-G PCI Adapter Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS ViewSonic A71f+ ViewSonic VX2025WM Creative Inspire P5800 ASUS A2428PDV Microsoft XBOX 360 此文章於 2021-08-21 03:25 PM 被 pc 編輯. |
2021-08-21, 03:24 PM
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My PC: AMD Athlon64 3500+ S939 2200mhz Corsair DDR500 512MB*2 Abit AV8 K8T800 Pro Hitachi HDS72251 6VLAT80 SCSI Disk Device 160GB/8MB Buffer Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-110D LITE-ON LTR-52327S USB2.0 CD-RW PNY Verto GeForce 6800 GT 256MB Linksys Wireless-G PCI Adapter Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS ViewSonic A71f+ ViewSonic VX2025WM Creative Inspire P5800 ASUS A2428PDV Microsoft XBOX 360 |
2021-08-26, 07:36 PM