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加入日期: Aug 2001 您的住址: 台中or桃園
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原來2009就有14nm.... 失敬失敬... 那想當初40夜市是怎麼回事?? 往後一個節點是28nm 附帶一提的是梁孟松當時已經被惡搞兩年多了(2007起) 你可以看看一個閒缺人可以沾到多少先進製程(65應該就把他拔掉了) 不過話說回來, FinFET在台積電本來就是梁孟松的專長, 可以看看FinFET當年的主要理論提出者和梁孟松的關係 |
2022-07-22, 07:23 PM
Golden Member
加入日期: Apr 2017 您的住址: 陣亡者的靈堂
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礦機早就量產出貨了 中芯什麼消息都不說 加上財報揭露訊息變少 未來似乎不會出來證實 之前雖然有一些新聞消息 但也不知道能不能信...... 林本堅說過DUV能做到5nm 不知道會不會把這設為目標? 還是要轉向先進封裝?
此文章於 2022-07-22 07:32 PM 被 healthfirst. 編輯. |
2022-07-22, 07:26 PM
Senior Member
加入日期: Aug 2001 您的住址: 台中or桃園
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phase shift mask加上多重曝光還是有很多限制 是不得已中的辦法 現實來說, 5nm和7nm最大的差距會在介電質漏電, 不是只有曝光機的差距, 也還有材料的挑戰 同樣, 5轉進到3也是一樣問題 大家可以等著看護國神山年底n3花式翻車 |
2022-07-22, 07:33 PM
Major Member
加入日期: Jan 2008 您的住址: 銀河系
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FinFET在梁走前 台積就已經在研發了吧 只是真正用在產品是16nm Intel是用在22nm 時間不重要啦~~ |
2022-07-22, 08:00 PM
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加入日期: May 2021
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是喔,那請問F-35裡面用的晶片最先進是多少製程? 你知道嗎? |
2022-07-22, 08:28 PM
Golden Member
加入日期: Apr 2017 您的住址: 陣亡者的靈堂
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這個材料的挑戰 也是我懷疑中芯7nm是否實現的因素之一 畢竟半導體材料很多是日本廠商提供的吧 日本出口給大陸意願高低不清楚 美國肯定是想要打壓 大陸本土廠商又能替代多少? 畢竟越來越接近物理極限 5進3步伐慢下來也很正常 不要像intel那樣一卡關卡好幾年就好 此文章於 2022-07-22 08:49 PM 被 healthfirst. 編輯. |
2022-07-22, 08:47 PM
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加入日期: Oct 2008
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軍用的不清楚,不過聽說工業用的PLC 是用非常低階的CPU,畢竟他只需要執行很單純的工作, 不像PC要跑一些雜七雜八的程式,才會需要中高階CPU.
亂台反民主塔綠斑綠共廁液神經錯亂洗板假帳號集團:jerry20530 |
2022-07-22, 09:20 PM
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加入日期: May 2021
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要看需求啊 F-35一次可以掃描多大範圍?處理多少數據? 一次可以追蹤幾個目標?數據鍊分享給多少戰場友軍? 用非常低階or低製程的處理器能辦到嗎? 低階製程的性能有天花板,因為規模or時脈高到某個程度 功耗、發熱也很驚人 所以很難用12nm以上造出目前最新的CPU、GPU性能 |
2022-07-22, 09:30 PM
Major Member
加入日期: Oct 2008
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不要用PC的觀點去看工業跟軍用CPU,穩定可靠才是考量的重點 MIL-STD-1760A is simply the standard that a processor must conform to, and is not an actual model of CPU. There are actually a lot of independent computers in a military aircraft, each with specific responsibilities. They are usually linked up via networks, typically over MIL-STD-1553 busses for older platforms. The radar has its own processor(s) and architecture(s), as does the flight control module, the fire control module, the navigation system, the munition controllers (sometimes one per weapon station/pylon), the display controller, the mission computer, et cetera. All of these come from different OEMs, and therefore use a variety of hardware. The different subsystems present and their exact functionalities depend on the design and requirements. A subsystem may itself be composed of multiple computers within their own network, independent of the main aircraft networks. The F-16 uses Raytheon's Modular Mission Computer (MMC) for its mission computer, with the following specs: The first generation, the MMC3000 relied on MIPS R3500, a 32-bit chip processors with 110,000 transistors and running at 12 MHz. We found this chip on the end of the 1990s HP9000 computers. The computer had 4 MB of memory RAM. The MMC5000, the second generation of the F-16 computer, still relied on a chip MIPS, a RM5260 who was noticeably faster (with a 133 MHz to 150 MHz clock frequency) and above all it is a 64-bit chip. The memory was more than doubled, with 10 MB available. The MMC7000 that equips the more modern F-16, including all F-16 Europeans who benefited from the MLU (mid-life Update) modernisation, has always that 10 MB of memory but its RM7000A processor, designed in the early 2000s, works between 300 and 400 MHz.
亂台反民主塔綠斑綠共廁液神經錯亂洗板假帳號集團:jerry20530 此文章於 2022-07-22 09:45 PM 被 pcbd 編輯. |
2022-07-22, 09:41 PM
Golden Member
加入日期: Oct 2017 您的住址: 淡水跟北投之間
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先預訂一下,年底再來看... |
2022-07-22, 09:49 PM